- 9/2/2025 Free For Five@KET,Athens
- 19/3/2025 Life Only(Frith,Aguirre,Vryzas)@Stanzerei, Baden
- 20/3/2025 Life Only(Frith,Aguirre,Vryzas)@Wabe,Basel
- 8/4/2025 w/Marina Tantanozi@Schonegg Variete,Zurich
- 11/4/2025 THINGS IN COMMON(duo w/E.M Karbacher,J.Kocher)@Ignm,Basel
Past (selection)
- 15/10/2024 Fred Frith75 w/Life Only(Frith,Aguirre,Vryzas)@Stadtgarden,Koln
- 19-31/7/2024 Unshaped_Ahead Cycladic Tour
- 4/7/2024 w/Emilie Skrijelj,Tom Malmendier@Les Habitees Festival,Strasbourg
- 6/7/2024 Solo@Les Habitees Festival,Strasbourg
- 21/5/2024 Lay Hold(w/Gabby-Fluke Mogul)@Transcendance,Thessaloniki
- 20/5/2024 Lay Hold(w/Gabby-Fluke Mogul)@KET,Athens
- THINGS IN COMMON(duo w/E.M Karbacher, J.Kocher):03/3/2024 Biel, 08/3/2024 Basel, 10/3/2024 Zurich, 07/4/2024 Locarno
- 26/2/2024 w/Sidirokastritis,Lamprakis,Lencastre@Underflow,Athens
- 18/1/2024 w/Varoutas,Porfiriadis@Underflow,Athens
- 07/12/2023 solo@KET,Athens
- 18/11/2023 w/Gabby-Fluke Mogul@OνOff Studio,Athens
- 02/10/2023 Tschudin,Schurmann,Vryzas@Centro Sociale,Hamburg
- 01/10/2023 Tschudin,Schurmann,Vryzas@Mayhem,Copenhagen
- 29/9/2023 Tschudin,Schurmann,Vryzas@Kultur im Bunker,Bremen
- 28/9/2023 Tschudin,Schurmann,Vryzas@Subsol,Dusseldorf
- 26/9/2023 w/Eva-Maria Karbacher@FIM,Basel
- 24/9/2023 Lunday(w/Diego Aguirre)@Kleinner Wassermann,Basel
- 1/6/2023 w/Harald Kimmig,Savina Yannatou,Thanos Kazantzis@Goethe Institut,Athens
- 8/4/2023 Circa19 feat Savina Yannatou@KET,Athens
- 24/3/2023 w/Marina Tantanozi,Louis Freres,Xavier Fertin@Wim,Zurich
- 19/3/2023 Circa19@Pikap,Thessaloniki
- 24/1/2023 Solo@Cafe OTO,London
- 16/1/2023 Solo@Ket,Athens
- 14/1/2023 Solo@Transcendance,Thessaloniki
- 17/12/2022 Unshaped_Ahead@Prelab,Athens
- 11/11/2022 Life Only(Frith,Aguirre,Vryzas)@Das Institut Festival,Zurich
- 5/11/2022 Solo@TOBE gallery,Bern
- 30/9/2022 The Coal@Communitism,Athens
- 9/9/2022 Circa19@No Ordinary Festival,Thesssaloniki
- 2/9/2022 Solo@Ride,Chania
- 12/6/2022 Circa19feat.Savina Yannatou@Krama Festival,Athens
- 14/4/2022 w/Eva-Maria Karbacher@Akropoditi,Syros
- 3/4/2022 w/Eva-Maria Karbacher@Atomic Cafe,Biel
- 27/3/2022 w/Tom Malmendier,Emilie Skrijelj@Stimultania,Strasbourg
- 24/32022 w/Tom Malmendier@l’An Vert,Liege
- 25/2/2022 Solo@Electric Nights Festival,Athens
- 4/3/2022 Circa19@KET,Athens
- 20/2/2022 w/ Harald Kimmig@Chimeres.Space,Athens
- 12/2/2022 “The Coal”@Studio OnOff,Athens
- 27/1/2022 Solo Performance:”Wavelengths”@BOOZE,Athens
- 17/12/2021 Circa19@Transcendance,Thessaloniki
- 5/12/2021w/Valeria Miracapillo@Mayhem,Copenhagen
- 3/12/2021 Solo@WIM,Zurich
- 3/11/2021 w/ Marina Tantanozi,Clara De Asis@Wabe,Basel
- 17/7/2021 w/ Arapis,Riniotis,Kioy and me@Communitism,Athens
- 10/7/2021 Unshaped_Ahead @Arioprino,Tirnavos
- 27/6/2021 Unshaped_Ahead @Yfanet,Thessaloniki
- 17/10/2020 Solo @Chimeres.Space,Athens
- 4/7/2020 Unshaped_Ahead @Book Festival,Ioannina
- 1/7/2020 Unshaped_Ahead @Yfanet,Thessaloniki
- 27/2/2020 w/ Pio Schurman @The Lab, Basel
- 25/2/2020 w/ Maja Zimmerlin(dance), Eva-Maria Karbacher @Fim, Basel
- 21/2/2020 Solo @Ket, Athens
- 24/1/2020 w/ Marina Tantanozi, Kame@Wim, Zurich
- 20/1/2020 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher@Moods, Zurich
- 16/1/2020 w/ Harald Kimmig@KlangBang, WURM Basel
- 13/12/2019 w/ Giannis Arapis@Chimeres.Space,Athens
- 7/12/2019 w/ Thanos Kazantzis@Protos Orofos,Thessaloniki
- 5/12/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@Facta Non Verba,Thessaloniki
- 22/11/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@Chimeres.Space,Athens
- 13/11/2019 w Eva-Maria Karbacher,Diego Aguirre@The Lab, Basel
- 11/11/2019 Lunday (w/ Diego Aguirre) @Schuppen,Basel
- 10/11/2019 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher@Atelier Wallstreet,Basel
- 29,30/10/2019 w Maja Zimmerlin+Kritonas Anastasopoulos(dance)@Lithographion,Patras
- 12/10/2019 Solo@Schiller’s Atelier,Basel
- 5/7/2019 Unshaped_Ahead @Yfanet,Thessaloniki
- 26/6/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@Fusion Festival,Germany
- 20/6/2019 Life Only(w/ Fred Frith,Diego Aguirre) @Carambolage,Basel
- 19/6/2019 Unshaped_Ahead @Keck Kiosk,Basel
- 15/6/2019 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher,Maja Zimmerlin+Lito Anastasopoulou(dance) @Haekem Theatre, Brussels
- 11/6/2019 w/ Mikael Szafirowski,Evan Vercoutre @The Lab,Basel
- 6/6/2019 Solo @Attacca Festival,Basel
- 27/5/2019 Solo @Theater Ef,Thessaloniki
- 11/5/2019 Unshaped_Ahead @Lokal,Basel
- 4/5/2019 Unhsaped_Ahead @P8,Karlsruhe
- 19/4/2019 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher @Vitruvian Thing,Thessaloniki
- 16/4/2019 Parallel Play(w/ Dimitris Oikonomou) @Chimeres.Space,Athens
- 5-8/4/2019 Unshaped_Ahead tour,Portugal
- 29/3/2019 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher@Wim,Zurich
- 28/3/2019 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher@La Voirie,Biel
- 15/3/2019 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher@Kultufolger,Zurich
- 10/3/2019 w/ Chirstian Moser,Mikael Szafirowski @KoncertKirchen,Copenhagen
- 28/2/2019 w/ Eva-Maria Karbacher@Off Bar,Basel
- 22/2/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@BlackBox Studio,Athens
- 3/2/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@Mple Giakas,Serres
- 2/2/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@Ektos,Thessaloniki
- 1/2/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@Space Monkeyz,Kilkis
- 31/1/2019 Unshaped_Ahead Radio Concert@Pikap,Thessaloniki
- 25/1/2019 Unshaped_Ahead@Carambolage,Basel
- 23/1/2019 Unshaped)Ahead@Kulturfolger,Zurich
- 17/1/2019 w/ Pio Schurman@Off Bar,Basel
- 29/12/2019 w/ Stephanos Chytiris@Chimeres.Space,Athens
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